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The Lantern Oracle

Original Price $25.95
Current Price $24.65

Embark on a beautiful, soul-nurturing journey with the ever-present and loving light of the eternal feminine wisdom as your guide.

Ask a question and connect with the Maidens, Mothers, Guardians, and Crones of this profound and powerful deck for clarity, growth, assistance, and healing.

Use this deck to draw lessons, solutions, and insight from the shadows and be empowered to walk in truth and shine your light in the world. The 44 cards feature key phrases for immediate answers, and the guidebook offers further meaning so you can integrate a deeper understanding of the messages. With guidance for every stage and phase of life, "The Lantern Oracle" is a go-to deck for tapping into the supportive, caring, honest, and timeless divine sisterhood.

  • Boxed set measures 4.75” x 6.5”
  • 44 cards measure 3.75” x 5.5”
  • 144 page uuidebook
  • Creator

    Angelina Mirabito

    Dr Angelina Mirabito is a Melbourne based writer and researcher. Her PhD investigated how and why writing fiction can facilitate Post-Traumatic Growth in adult survivors of childhood trauma. This academic inquiry arose from the Post-Traumatic Growth she experienced in writing her first novel, ‘Warrior.’ She completed graduate studies to understand how and why writing a fictional version of her story was able to liberate her from the limiting effects of trauma on a clinical level. Consequently, she came to identify how to best assist others in using the story writing process to grow beyond their wounds and lead a more empowered life.



    Yuly Alejo

    Yuly is a Spanish artist and freelance illustrator. She has illustrated projects for Paizo (Pathfinder Role Play), Smiling Goblin (Krynea Battlefield card game), Insólita Editorial (Carlos Sisí), and Editorial Nazarí.