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Förhäxa Tarot

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A Land of enchantment awaits.

Journey through the Magical Land of Förhäxa (Swedish for to enchant, cast a spell, and bedevil)  This is a realm where dark and ight collide, where the elements hold court, where we find ourselves connecting to a force outside our own.

  • Two-Piece Box
  • Guidebook included inside box
  • 78 Cards Measure 3.5" x 5"
  • 330 gsm black core cardstock
  • Creator MJ Cullinane

Margaux Jones (AKA MJ) is an award-winning Seattle-based artist, writer, mother, and lover of all things magical - especially crows. She attended Parsons School of Design, yet her unique technique for telling stories through digital collage is self-taught and has been her passion for over 10 years. Nature and its creatures are a familiar theme in MJ's work, however having grown up south of Boston her collages are heavily influenced by the energy of the city. Her work often merges the two worlds. Her path into the world of Tarot was a beautiful accident that came out of a difficult time in her life. The process of creating the Crow Tarot helped her discover her own wings, though at the time she didn't realize how life-changing the project would become. She simply fell in love with the process, the messages and the feeling each card evoked.

The Crow Tarot, MJ's first published deck, has achieved a significant following and recognition with crow lovers and the tarot community including winning the 2019 CARTA award for Best Tarot Deck and Best Illustrator of a Tarot Deck. 

When MJ is not making art or writing she is spending time with her daughter, playing in nature, practicing magic, and finding new sources of inspiration.