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Wild Magic by Danu Forest


Put a little Wild Magic into your life with Danu Forest's Celtic Folk Traditions! This solitary practitioner's guide provides the immersive insight you need to awaken your Wild Wisdom.  Discover the secrets of key lines, dragon lines, faery roads and sprit paths that will transform your life, and benefit others, in the here and now. Unlock the mysteries of Celtic magic today!

  • 240 pages 
  • Paperback
  • 6" X 9" X 1/2"

Danu Forest

Author Danu Forest

Danu Forest is a traditional Celtic wisewoman who has studied on the Celtic path for over thirty years. She is noted for her many years of experience, her gifts as a natural hereditary seer, and her scholarly research. She lives in the wild marshes surrounding the legendary Glastonbury Tor and is the author of several books, including Celtic Tree Magic: Ogham Lore and Druid Mysteries. She holds an MA in Celtic Studies.