The William Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination
The William Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination is a collaged full-color deck illustrated with the visionary art of Willian Blake – The mystical painter, Poet, mythologizer, and proto—psychologist. This 79-card deck presents Blake’s central thesis that human creative imagination is the divine aspect of mankind. In this pocket gallery, Blake’s ideas and images become symbolic tools for answering imaginative, spiritual, and personal questions. Unlike textbooks and critical studies, this Tarot deck presents Blake’s astounding ideas and images in a manner that is approachable and entertaining.
The William Blake Tarot consists of 23 archetypical cards called Triumphs, plus a set of 56 Creative Process cards in four suites names Painting, Science, Music, and Poetry – these represent what Blake called the four primal expressions of the divine imagination.