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Next World Tarot: Hardcover Art Collection

Original Price $50.00
Current Price $45.00

An oversize gallery-quality hardcover book featuring all of the finished art from Road's popular tarot, along with full card descriptions in both Spanish and English, as well as bonus sketches and other material.

Featuring body outlaws, endangered cultures, and anti-colonial belief systems, THE NEXT WORLD TAROT envisions a world where justice relies on respect and revolutionary love.

The Fool’s Journey is about smashing systematic oppression, owning their truths, being accountable to the people and places that support them, and taking back a connection to their body that may have been lost through trauma or societal brainwashing.

The NEXT WORLD TAROT is a visual spectacle of both the battle cry and the re-connection between outcasts and their criminalized identities.


  • Hardcover
  • 160 Pages
  • ‎ 8 x 1 x 12 inches

Cristy C. Road  is a first generation Cuban-American artist and musician who uses illustration, writing, and punk rock music as her preferred mediums. Blending her political principles, gender and cultural identities— Road testifies to the beauty of the imperfect. Her endeavors in creating culture began in 1996, when writing the Green’Zine; a self-published ‘zine which began as a fan’zine entirely devoted to the rock group Green Day. Green’Zine evolved into a punk rock fanzine with interviews and record reviews; and by 2004, a personal manifesto about love, trauma, and survival. Since its creation, Road  has contributed countless illustrations to punk rock music, literature, and political organizations.

In early 2006, C.Road released her first illustrated novel, Indestructible (Microcosm Publishing), a 96-page narrative about high school. In 2008, she released Bad Habits (Soft Skull Press), an Illustrated story about healing from abuse; and lastly in 2013, her most recent book, Spit and Passion (Feminist Press, 2012), a coming-out memoir about Cuban identity, Green Day, and survivng the closet. C.Road's most recent project is The Next World Tarot (2019), a 78-card tarot deck focused on justice, resilience, revolution, and reclaimed magic.