Kuniyoshi's Cats Tarot by Osvaldo Menegazzi
The I Gatti De Kuniyosha is from "The Arcana" series created by Maestro Osvaldo Menegazzi.
In this fanciful project, Menegazzi, a Japanese culture enthusiast, pays homage to the artistic world of Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese art printing master, 1797-1861) with a set of 22 Major Arcana cards. The cards have Italian titles, measure approximately 4.25" x 5.5", have square corners and a matt finish. This edition was published in 2017 in a small print of 250 decks. The deck number from the edition will be revealed on the title card after opening the sealed deck. The box includes a one page insert about the Kuniyoshi's Cats and the creation of the deck.