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Juliet Kurth


It was in college over 30 years ago when Juliet started learning how to read palms and tarot, and four years after taking that first step she dedicated herself to the Crooked Path as a Pagan Witch. Her practice then and now is eclectic, with a focus on green witchery, kitchen witchery, cosmic witchery, working with the elements, and divination. Her connection to the elements and the Divine deepened once she started on this path, helping her to see that reading tarot and palms can actually be a healing experience for the clients as they gain greater insight into who they are and how to move forward with more confidence. She found that tarot is great for more specific questions about what to do now whereas palm reading is good for understanding one’s life path, and she the  taps into the energy that connects us all when she reads, asking the Universe “What do they need to know and hear right now in order to achieve their goals and navigate their lives well.”