One per order
I am super happy with my purchase. I know this deck is a classic for a reason. I am thoroughly enjoying my time with it. Definitely giving me Autumnal vibes. Thank you so much
This deck, constructed in the nineteen-seventies, features the art of a skilled painter. Watercolor appears to have been the medium. The cards give me confidence such that I would be comfortable using them to read for my own purposes, although tarot for me is still too personal to read for others. The booklet describing the cards offers a layout which many readers will know, the Celtic cross, and describes every card in the deck. If you order these, get to know them slowly. There are powerful illustrations. Be confident in the harmony between the artist and the meaning of the cards, and be confident in the ethics of the painter, but the cards are still what they are and not all of them signify flowers and bunnies.