Untold Tarot presents historic styles of reading little known in the modern era. It teaches traditional ways of reading used for pre-twentieth-century decks, drawing upon older cartomantic arts such as blending and pairing cards, reading lines, and following "line of sight" to piece together untold stories according to the direction in which the characters are facing. The book also includes a selection of card spreads drawn from traditional French and Italian sources, plus methods of reading cards based on the author's own extensive research.
The Alchemical Tarot of Marseille
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Robert M Place's masterful new Tarot of Marseille cleverly relates the traditional Marseille images with Hermetic philosophy and the Alchemical Opus. Each trump displays a quote from the ancient Hermetica (as translated by Walter Scott in 1924), and that these quotes clarify the meaning of the imagery on the card in a way that demonstrates the underlining Hermetic philosophy. The Philosopher’s Stone itself is represented by the World card and the four minor suits are related to the four alchemical elements: Earth to coins, Water to cups, Air to swords, and Fire to staffs.